• To Bid or Not To Bid

    Last month I discussed the process of selecting a consultant, contractor or subconsultant. This month I’ll look at the other side of the equation - how can a consultant determine whether or not to submit a proposal to an RFP/RFQ (Request for Proposal/Quote). Proposal preparation and price

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    Selecting a Supplier

    It’s always surprising how much prices can vary widely when obtaining cost estimates.   Over several decades of consulting I have obtained, reviewed or responded to hundreds of RFP/RFQ (Request for Proposal/Quote) for projects ranging from a few hundred dollars to a few million; and

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    Phase One Problems, Part 3

    Over the last few blogs I have discussed some of the structural and procedural errors commonly encountered when conducting a Phase One Environmental Site Assessment (ESA). This month I continue with the examination of problems with ESA interviews and site inspections. The Interview Interviews are an

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    Phase One Problems, Part 2

    Last month I discussed some of the common issues that may be encountered during the procurement, initiation and organization of Phase One Environmental Site Assessments (ESA). This month I will discuss ‘Procedural’ errors related to ESA Research that may occur while conducting a Phase

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    Phase One Problems, Part 1

    A few years ago, I wrote a series of blogs about some of the pitfalls that you may encounter during a Phase Two Environmental Site Assessment (ESA) as well as some of the issues faced when writing Phase One ESA reports. It’s time for a deeper look at some of the problems that you may run into

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    BBRRRR... Working Outside in Winter

    With the onset of winter blizzards and freezing conditions across Canada, it’s a good time to talk about some of the pitfalls and problems associated with performing Phase One and Two Environmental Site Assessments in winter; and how to stay safe and comfortable in adverse weather. Stay safe

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    Advice To My Younger Self

    As I get closer to retirement I find myself telling work stories and offering career guidance to my younger colleagues in exchange for beers at the pub or golf course. I can’t help but think what sage advice I would have given to my 20-something year old self, just embarking on my career in

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    Pre-Purchase Environmental Due Diligence

    The white-hot real estate market that recently came crashing back down has led to some harsh realities for some hoping to cash in. We have heard of home buyers overbidding and waiving inspections in their rush to purchase residential houses. Similar things are happening in commercial real estate,

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    Words Matter

    28 Sep 2022 | Blog | AESAC Inc.
    Words Matter

    Those who know me and my reporting/reviewing style, know I am a stickler for proper grammar, formatting and wording. In my opinion any report should be not only technically correct, but organized, well written, and easy to understand. Words, and how we use them really do matter. Even minor errors in

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    Let Us Come To You

    As most readers are aware, AESAC offers in-depth, hands-on training and certification courses for conducting Phase One and Phase Two Environmental Site Assessments. These courses are offered at different venues across Canada, typically twice yearly in eastern and western Canada. In addition, AESAC

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